Apple Onion Butter - Blechrein

Veggies and Side Dishes - Reader

Apple Onion Butter

We use the time of apple harvest properly and created a delicious apple-onion butter, which tastes particularly delicious on fresh farmers' bread.


250 g (1 cup) of butter

1 small onion

1 big apple

½ bunch of chives

Pepper, salt



  1. Peel the onion and the apple and shred in a blender.
  2. Melt some butter in a pan and steam the apple-onion mixture. Let cool.

  3. Stir the butter until creamy and add the apple and onion mixture.
  4. Cut the chives into small rolls and also stir into the butter. Season with pepper and salt.

  5. Spread the butter on the edge of a sheet of Blechrein White, form into a roll and wrap it in the paper.

  6. Cool for at least 2 hours

Prepared on Blechrein White
